School a place that is suposed to be a learning cernter. Not every one feels that way and they ahave there reasons.
Some kids think of it as a wast of time. They hate it and want it to be done with so they can move on. They often don;t do much slack. some people can be very disrspectful. they need to grow up!!! it is so anoying. if your that kind of person wow you oviously don;t want respect your self and probaly wouldn;t get very far in life without many problems.
To other it is an exscape. Often thats the case when you have a bad home life. you can excape your parents sibaling or any other gardeas or people who live with you. you might have a very bad home that is too cold or too hot because you can;t affor to heat it right. you might be gettign abused.
School is a night mear to some. They get beat up on by kids, picked on abused. Or they are a lowner left out all the time. trust me that is so boring. i personaly think it is more lowsome be be alone while by people. T_T cry cry cry. Or they don;t understand anything at all.
Some people for what ever reason like school. They like to learn or they like sports or all there friends.
Or if you are like me you have a bit of everything. The options are endless.
for parents they can't posaably understand what it is like for your kids to be in school. it is so diffrent now. sure they can relate but not completly. He he he I rember my parents trying to help me with my math Homework and they don;t know how becasue they do it so diffrently. also for kid to go through life is different for each kids.
Completely Unrelated to anything.
12 years ago
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