Monday, November 16, 2009

blog challenge

this week challenge is where we make are own prompt.

1. Pick a topic that is effects/common all over the (i.e. global worming, war, disease, disorders, abuse)

2. define what it is and how it effects the world (i.e. eating disorders are very common all over the world)

3. what is a way to help lesson or get ride of its negative effects? (i.e. there is treatment for eating disorders like... and fund raisers like ....)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

blog cahllenge: digital footprint

I have a very small digital food print. I cant really be found anywhere.

What is a positive digital footprint?

It is what others see you as on the computer. like on face book and what not.

When should you start using your proper name and photo of yourself rather then an avatar?

I think it should be when you are mature enough to use it in a positive way.

Who is responsible for showing you how to be Internet save?

Your guardian, educators and yourself.

What information do I include in you profiles when I register at a website?

What kind on music and movies i like and that's about it if any.