Monday, March 22, 2010

earth hour why just one hour?

earth hour is on a day where people alover the world will turn off their lights to save on electisity to help the world.

If the earth is so important to have one Hour of a little help why not have more hours? You can save a lot of money you you electisity bill I am alread on the topic of electrisity and earth why not recyle? By reusing stuff you save money. It can also save time because you arn't wasting time looking for a object to replace it.

I think it's pretty lame how us humans can ruin are earth. Seriousey we have been misusing it and we can;t even fix it no matter how hard we try, only God can do that. He promises that he will in the futur.

Here is a link to a book that is on the web that you can read for free. It talks more on the topic on how God will undo the negative effects on the earth and many other promises of his and why we can have faith they will get done through Gods Kingdom . one chapter that talks about it more is this one.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I live in North east Wi. It can be very cold in winter. too cold for me atleast. I like the snow to play in. I went sleding and got brewsed up but it was worth it. In the summer I like to go to this one campsite, franklin lake. Its the best place to go camping in Wi. Its up north and is fun. I spend a lot of time at Kingdom halla of Jehvovahs witnesses. They are all over the world so you might of been in one already. There a lots of park in Wi which are nice. But it is to cold for me in the winter. I have to walk a mile home from where the school bus dropes me off and i will get in pain walking home during winter because it is so cold. But during the wormer months it is awsome.

Monday, March 8, 2010

posting pictures of yourself online

Hmmm. that is a divers topic.

some do not like it and are completely against it because then other people including stokers can then see what you look like and stock you or hurt you or what ever. Stokers have black cars evil smiles and ugly faces. And they laugh like this 'WA HA HA HA!" JKing JKing means just joking. but I'm positive that some stokers are like that.

some people luv to post pictures of thyself like on face book and what not. On face book and your email i am OK with it. I don;t see the harm and "every one dose it." Wow that line really makes me sound like a kid. don';t worry I would jump off a cliff.

On a blog some just don't care who see them. I think it depends on the circumstances. If it is in a college of other pictures then it's not so bad but if its just one then NO. But i hate it when people have inapropreat pictures.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Lots of people go one them. Many can;t stay on them. There are so many of them.

One of the nice things about being a teen is that i have gotten skiner for no reason. haha =D to all the people who wish they could do that. I was called fat to day. then the kid said he ment that to someone else and said i was average. which is right i am average.

I think That befor people go on a dite for what everyreason unless there doctor says they have to they should try to be healther.

1.) eat more veggies and fruits. If that sound imposable try eating a lil bit at a time
2.)cut out junk food soda sugery stiff
3.) exersise more. do a bit more walking daily lifting weights ect.
4.) the power of H2O. draink a glass befor you eat it will fill you up more just drink more water

there are more just be cerative and look online

In side the mind of a teen: school

School a place that is suposed to be a learning cernter. Not every one feels that way and they ahave there reasons.

Some kids think of it as a wast of time. They hate it and want it to be done with so they can move on. They often don;t do much slack. some people can be very disrspectful. they need to grow up!!! it is so anoying. if your that kind of person wow you oviously don;t want respect your self and probaly wouldn;t get very far in life without many problems.

To other it is an exscape. Often thats the case when you have a bad home life. you can excape your parents sibaling or any other gardeas or people who live with you. you might have a very bad home that is too cold or too hot because you can;t affor to heat it right. you might be gettign abused.

School is a night mear to some. They get beat up on by kids, picked on abused. Or they are a lowner left out all the time. trust me that is so boring. i personaly think it is more lowsome be be alone while by people. T_T cry cry cry. Or they don;t understand anything at all.

Some people for what ever reason like school. They like to learn or they like sports or all there friends.

Or if you are like me you have a bit of everything. The options are endless.

for parents they can't posaably understand what it is like for your kids to be in school. it is so diffrent now. sure they can relate but not completly. He he he I rember my parents trying to help me with my math Homework and they don;t know how becasue they do it so diffrently. also for kid to go through life is different for each kids.

fist blog challenge for this year. =P

In school i just started the new blogging challenge. click here for ome info. i personally dont; care for this stuff. i have to wright about why people should read my blog. Hmm? because they are bord, they like to read blogs, or maybe thaty are part of the bloging challenge. or they might find my bad smelling funny. I don;t think myu blogs are very interesting. I need to add more creative fun and usfull stuff.
My post are kinda random stuff that i have to do for school. I don;t have much of a theme but yet again My theme as you might put it changes all the time depening on my mood. but hey I am in a wrighting fase right know so i am enjoying this. =] LOL.
People can;t learn that much about my blog. they can learn how i feel about things oh and i have a blog about how some kids like myself learn.