earth hour is on a day where people alover the world will turn off their lights to save on electisity to help the world.
If the earth is so important to have one Hour of a little help why not have more hours? You can save a lot of money you you electisity bill I am alread on the topic of electrisity and earth why not recyle? By reusing stuff you save money. It can also save time because you arn't wasting time looking for a object to replace it.
I think it's pretty lame how us humans can ruin are earth. Seriousey we have been misusing it and we can;t even fix it no matter how hard we try, only God can do that. He promises that he will in the futur.
Here is a link to a book that is on the web that you can read for free. It talks more on the topic on how God will undo the negative effects on the earth and many other promises of his and why we can have faith they will get done through Gods Kingdom . one chapter that talks about it more is this one.
Completely Unrelated to anything.
12 years ago