25% of teen ager own cell phone. i have a cell phone. i my home i have to have it on me at all times incase of emergency. other arn;t allowed to have one until they can drive and have a job. I think if is funny how parents have such diffrent views. Lots of kids luv the interent and phone. libaray have free wifi and the interents which kids luv.
tons of people luv txting. i am bad at txting.
drving and txting is unsafe. man if you did that and your killed someone how would you feel??? rember that the next time you want to to txt while driving. its best to go the the curb or park in aparking lot. 1 in 3 teen have txt while driving.
Pic are fun to take with a phone.
Town of people are checking and updateing there face booka dn such. studys show that while you do so you are mosr likly to be shy adn quit and what not b/c of lack of open counication
Completely Unrelated to anything.
12 years ago
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